So Sandy told me this morning that I'm not a man that lives for today. I was sitting at the kitchen table enjoying my second bowl of Cocoa Dino-Bites and calmly mentioned that the Cubs are in first place and actually have the best record in baseball. A comment like this usually elicits a response like, "You don't really believe that they are ever going to win another game in the history of the whole world, do you? Moron." from Sandy (while rolling her eyes). She is not a True Believer. Right on cue she said, "You don't really believe that they are actually going to make it to the World Series this year and then not get thrashed by Jackson's Little League team, do you?" Or something along those lines.
Well, it's a beautiful, sunny Saturday morning, I'm eating my favorite breakfast treat, things are pretty good. I usually see the world as a glass half full kind-of guy, so I said, "Hey, all I know is, the Cubs are in first place and have the best record in baseball today." That's when she hit me with the "The End is Near" comment.
She left the room laughing and shaking her head to go pick up Mugsy from her sleepover. I thought I heard the word "delusional" as she closed the front door. I came downstairs and looked for my old Grass Roots record.
Haylie called a couple of minutes ago and asked, "Can you do a favor for Mom?"
With the rest of Cubby Nation, at least for today, I'm (quoting from the website) "...enjoying the good time as Cubs roll on, because according to Elias Sports Bureau, the last time the Cubs had the best record in baseball entering June was 1908, the year they won the World Series."
It's going to be a great day.
With the rest of Cubby Nation, at least for today, I'm (quoting from the website) "...enjoying the good time as Cubs roll on, because according to Elias Sports Bureau, the last time the Cubs had the best record in baseball entering June was 1908, the year they won the World Series."
It's going to be a great day.